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GRDA - Graphic Design A.A.

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CR Associate of Arts

Program Full Description

This program is designed for those students who have a special interest in entering the world of graphic design. The program prepares students with a foundation in fine arts, as well as thorough instruction of the tools and techniques needed for digital art and website creation. As in the Fine Arts program, the Graphic Design curriculum consists of a partnership between LCCC and The Baum School of Art, Allentown. While some students may pursue the program of study for personal enrichment or employment rather than transfer, the degree is designed for students preparing to enter a program leading to a baccalaureate degree at a four-year college or university. Because the requirements of four-year colleges or universities vary greatly, students should choose an intended transfer college as soon as possible and work with their advisor to coordinate course selection with the intended transfer institutions program. All students will be expected to prepare a portfolio for transfer or employment applications

Advisor Notes

Students should consult the catalog of the four-year college or university to which he or she plans to transfer to ensure that degree requirements are being properly met. Transfer information for this program is on file in the Transfer and University Center. For more information, contact an academic advisor or counselor. *Mathematics Elective must be MAT 105, MAT 120, MAT 150, or MAT numbered above 150.

Program Objectives

Program Objective

College-Wide Competency

Survey painting, sculpture, architecture, and other related art forms with consideration of the aesthetic, historical, and technical significance of major artistic achievements.


Learn Fine Art principles and techniques utilized in all aspects of visual art production.


Utilize computer graphics tools and techniques to create and manipulate visual designs.


Create visually dynamic projects using current industry development and authoring tools.


Produce web content in accordance to both web design and visual design standards