ENVS - Environmental Science A.S.
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Program Full Description
The environmental science program will provide graduates with an integrative study of natural systems and the effects of selective pressures, both natural and manmade, that continue to shape these systems. Students that complete this program will be prepared to either enter a four-year program leading to a baccalaureate degree or enter the workforce as an entry-level environmental scientist.
Advisor Notes
Gateway Courses: Based on placement testing in reading, writing and math, these prerequisite courses may have to be taken before placement in College English or Mathematics beginning the first semester and concurrently. RSS 099 Basic Skills Reading 3 RSS 100 Critical Reading 3 ENG 099 Basic Skills Writing 3 ENG 100 Fundamentals of Writing 3 MAT 090 Mathematical Literacy 6 ESL 251 English for Academic Purpose 6 (Required for ESL students only.) Please note, taking gateway courses will increase your time for completion. Required Electives Program-specific electives a student must choose from General Education electives a student must choose from Recommended Electives Program-specific electives a student may choose from General Education electives a student may choose from
Program Objectives
Program Objective | College-Wide Competency |
Understand the basic science principles and use of the scientific method. |
Understand the science behind environmental problems and solutions. |
Integrate other subject areas into their understanding of how humans can damage, preserve, or remediate the environment. |
Articulate and foster awareness of how human decisions can affect the environment. |