EGRS - Engineering A.S.
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Program Full Description
This pre-professional program has its foundation in mathematics and the physical and natural sciences. Upon completion of the program, the student has the option of pursuing a bachelor’s degree in aeronautical, chemical, civil, electrical, industrial, mechanical, or nuclear engineering at a four-year college or university.
Advisor Notes
Transfer information for this program is on file in the Transfer Center. For more information, contact an academic advisor or counselor.
Program Objectives
Program Objective | College-Wide Competency |
Demonstrate an understanding of concepts, physical laws, and basic principles and apply them in the solution of problems in engineering mechanics, engineering physics, and college-level chemistry.
| 6,9 |
Analyze a problem in a simple and logical manner.
| 3 |
Develop experimental techniques in making measurements in the laboratory, analyzing and interpreting experimental results, and determining errors in measurements and results. | 4,8 |
Demonstrate mathematical skills to the level of a completed course sequence in calculus and analytical geometry. |
Solve elementary engineering problems on the computer using an object oriented programming language.
| 1 |
Perform basic drafting techniques and understand industrial-type drawings. | 5 |
Communicate effectively, particularly in written laboratory reports.
| 2 |
Have a general education base for the social sciences and humanities. |