The ground and flight training courses required for the issuance of an airmen certificate within the Aviation Science Associate Degree program are licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). This program prepares students to obtain entry-level employment in the aviation industry. It provides both the flight and ground-school training required to successfully earn Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) pilot certification. Students obtain flight training from the FAA approved Part 141 LCCC flight school. Graduates from LCCC flight school may teach at the LCCC flight school and continue their aviation flying careers as pilots in the fields of charter, corporate, and regional airline employment. They are also prepared to transfer to colleges or universities that offer the bachelors degree in an aviation related field. The granting of this degree is based upon the students successful completion of required coursework, and successfully passing the flight checks for the FAA Private, Commercial, and Flight Instructor certificates and the Instrument Airplane rating. An FAA medical certificate is required for enrollment as well as U.S. citizenship or approval from the Transportation Security Administration to initiate flight training. Additional fees will incur for flight training.
Advisor Notes
Students must meet with aviation program director or Chief Flight Instructor for acceptance into this restricted program prior to course enrollment and a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of the semester.
Student Pilot certificate, Second Class FAA medical (First Class highly recommended), U.S. citizen or TSA approval to initiate flight training. An applicant for a student pilot certificate must meet the requirements of Federal Aviation Administration regulation 61.83.
Two failures of the same flight theory or flight practical course will result in the student being removed from further advancement within the degree program.
*MAT 165 requires a prerequisite of MAT 160 College Algebra or LCCC Algebra Placement Testing score of 109 and equivalent college Algebra background.
**MAT 130 or 165 must be completed prior to PHY 110 or 201. Students interested in transfer to a bachelor’s program are recommended to take MAT 165 and PHY 201.
Students have the option of choosing between earning the Certified Flight Instructor Certification (ASA 231) or the Multi-Engine Rating added to their Commercial Pilot Certificate (ASA 223).
Program Objectives
Program Objective
Accreditation Standard
College-Wide Competency
Possess the FAA Airman credentials of Private Pilot Certificate-airplane single engine land, Airplane Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot Certificate and Certificated Flight Instructor-airplane single engine land.
FAA Private Pilot
Communicate Effectively
Perform all phases of visual and instrument flight as pilot in command of a commercial flight to FAA standards, including preflight planning, weather analysis, pertinent flight information procurement, and execution of the flight to federal standards of skill, knowledge, and safety.
FAA Instrument Flying
FAA Commercial Pilot
Use Current Technology Effectively
Be eligible to continue as a candidate for a Bachelor’s degree at a four year college or university or enter the aviation industry at an appropriate entry-level pilot position to begin a professional pilot career progression.