ACC - Accounting A.A.S.
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Program Full Description
This career program is designed to provide students with the necessary skills for entry level accounting positions in such areas as accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll and purchasing. Or, use this program as a starting point to pursue a Bachelor's Degree and look forward to career opportunities in corporate accounting, public accounting and auditing, nonprofit and government accounting, tax and consulting services.
Advisor Notes
Students should take BUS 109 in the first semester Recommended elective for first semester is MAT 118.Recommended electives for second semester are MAT 155 and 160.Recommended Social Science electives are ECO 201 and 202. AOT 112 is recommended but not required. Students planning to transfer to a senior college or university to major in accounting should enroll in the Business Administration A.A. transfer program, take ACC 160 and 161, and meet with an advisor before taking advanced-level accounting courses.
Program Objectives
Program Objective | Accreditation Standard | College-Wide Competency |
Describe and illustrate basic financial accounting concepts and principles. |
Create and utilize management accounting information for decision- making purposes. |
| 1,3 |
Demonstrate the accounting and reporting of equity in a business |
| 1 |
Demonstrate effective communication. |
| 2 |
Apply accounting concepts and principles for preparing and analyzing financial statements and business operations |
| 1 |
Apply financial and cost accounting principles and procedures to a manufacturing business. |
| 1 |
Demonstrate and integrate computer literacy within an accounting framework. |
| 5 |
Recognize ethical problems in business |
| 9 |
Apply legal principles, particularly rules of contracts, to all business activities. |
| 1 |