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Registration / Student Records

Registration / Student Records

Academic Calendar

The academic calendar includes a fall semester and a spring semester. These semesters are 14 weeks of instruction and one week of final examinations. There are several parts-of-term within the regular semester that contain the same number of instructional hours as a full semester. The college offers summer semesters which consists of one 10-week session and two five-week sessions. The college offers a five-week winter session. 

Academic Load

The course load for full-time students at LCCC is typically 15 to 18 credits per semester as prescribed by the curriculum. With the approval of an Academic Advisor, students in good academic standing may register for more than 18 credits.

Full-Time Enrollment

Full-time enrollment is defined as at least 12 credits per semester. The program listings in this catalog are intended to present the required courses for the degree or certificate and to serve as a guide outlining appropriate combinations of courses by semester. In many programs, especially in the technologies and health care sciences, courses are arranged in a chronological sequence in which first semester courses are prerequisites to the next semester. To complete the minimum degree requirements of 60 credits in four semesters, 15 credits must be completed each semester, unless additional courses are taken in summer or winter session. When students are required to complete developmental or remedial coursework, these courses must be completed in addition to the 60-credit minimum.

Part-Time Enrollment

Part-time enrollment is defined as less than 12 credits. The catalog organizes most programs of study in semester sequence, as stated previously, to present the required courses for the degree or certificate in a convenient way and to show prerequisite sequences. The part-time student should use the program of study listed in the catalog as a reference for degree requirements and recommended course sequences but not as a time frame for completion.


Each semester students are required to register for a planned program of courses selected with the recommended assistance of an academic advisor. Students must execute the forms needed for information purposes and pay tuition and fees.
Currently enrolled students may register online and will be notified of the procedures and dates for registration through the college (myLCCC) email system.
Students are responsible for making certain that they have met all prerequisites for a course prior to enrollment in it. This includes specific course prerequisites as well as knowledge that is generally expected for college-level study, such as MLA writing style, academic honesty, etc. Students are strongly encouraged to review the college catalog, course descriptions and academic policies prior to enrollment, and to consult an academic advisor to discuss any questions.

Change in Course Registration

Once registered for a program of courses, a student is expected to attend classes according to the schedule assigned. If a student finds it necessary to drop a course, add a course or change from one course or section to another, the “drop/add form” must be completed and submitted to Registration/Student Records. Failure to do so may result in failing grades or loss of credit. Drop/add forms are available on the college website at or in the Office of Registration/Student Records.
A student may add or change from one course to another only during the add/drop period. For exact dates, reference the refund and withdrawal schedule posted on
Refer to the grading policy section for regulations dealing with the dropping of courses. 

Change of Address

An address change should be filed as soon as possible with the Business Office by completing “Change of Information” and “Statement of Residency” forms.

Change of Major

For a change of major to be effective during the current semester, you must submit the request before the semester's deadline date. Change of Major dates for each semester can be found below. Refer to the Withdrawal and Refund Dates for the exact part of term end date. Any change received after the deadline date will be effective the following semester.


Opening Date

Deadline Date


Opening Date for Fall Registration

End of 1st 7 Week Classes


Opening Date for Winter Registration

Last Day of Classes


Opening Date for Spring Registration

End of 1st 7 Week Classes


Opening Date for Summer Registration

End of 1st 5 Week Classes

Undecided Student

New students who are exploring majors have the option of enrolling as an Undecided student. Thereafter, these students will work with designated advisors to explore their interests and skills and determine the most appropriate program of study. Undecided students must declare a program of study by the time they complete 30 college-level credits.

Testing and Placement

The purpose of skills assessment testing is to ensure that students are placed in courses best suited to their current academic abilities.

  • Students who are English learners must take the ESL placement test.

  • All students admitted to Lehigh Carbon Community College are required to complete the college skills assessment. Students may be eligible for testing exemptions based on high school or college work. For a complete list of exemptions, please visit our website at High school or college transcripts are required for exemptions. Students must complete the assessment prior to registering for any class.

  • Skills assessment scores will be valid for a period of five years from the date that the test was completed.

  • Students who wish to appeal any assessment or placement decision imposed by these policies may do so by contacting the appropriate Academic Dean.

  • Additional assessment tools are required for placement in the following subject areas: biology, chemistry and typing. Students with previous educational or work experience should complete the appropriate assessments for correct course placement. A typing placement test is available for advanced placement but is not required.
    NOTE: Students requiring developmental courses should take them in their first semester.

Senior Citizen Enrollment

Students over the age of sixty (60) years residing in the college-sponsor school districts are eligible for free tuition in credit and non-credit courses on a space available basis as of the day the course begins. Senior citizen student will pay all course fees or costs such as laboratory fees and out-of-pocket course costs incurred and paid for by the college such as for third party services provided, including, but not limited to, truck driving certifications shall be paid for by the senior citizen student. Senior Citizens who are eligible for Veterans education benefits may choose to use their preferential course scheduling privileges to register prior to the day the course begins to guarantee their seat at a sponsor rate. If they choose to do so, the student is responsible for all tuition and fees associated with the course.

Eligibility requirements:

  1. Students must provide proof of age through their Medicare card, birth certificate or other official document.

  2. The requested course must have sufficient enrollment of regular students to justify offering it to senior citizens.

  3. The enrollment of senior citizens must not cause the class size to exceed college enrollment limitations.

  4. Partnership courses are excluded. Other courses may be excluded as designated by the college.
    If the enrollment totals cause a senior citizen to be ineligible, attempts to find an open section or other alternative shall then be made.

Auditing a Course

Students enrolling in a course as auditors, affording neither credit nor grade, are expected to attend all classes except as arranged by prior agreement with the instructor concerned.
The regular tuition and fee schedules are applicable to audited courses. In order to audit a course, the student must have the required prerequisite/corequisite courses.
A grade of “L” (Listener) will be recorded on the student’s transcript unless the instructor is not satisfied with the student’s attendance, in which case a “W” will be assigned. Students may change from credit to audit or audit to credit during the first three weeks of class only.

Class Cancellation

Minimum enrollment is required for a class to be held. The college is committed to keeping tuition as low as possible. To achieve that goal, the college must cancel courses with low enrollments. LCCC realizes that canceling a class is inconvenient for affected students.

Withdrawal from College

To withdraw from all classes, students must complete an “Add/Drop/Total Withdrawal Form.” For academic and financial purposes, the effective date of the withdrawal shall, if approved, be the date of receipt of this form.
Student-initiated withdrawals from a class must be processed at the Office of Registration/Student Records by the 10th week. For exact withdrawal dates, reference the refund and withdrawal schedule posted on
Students enrolled under any program from which financial aid is derived are responsible for informing the Office of Financial Aid, government agency or benefactor. Failure to follow the official withdrawal procedure may result in the recording of failing grades. College equipment and library books must be returned before the withdrawal is considered complete.

Withdrawal for Medical/Mental Health Reasons

LCCC students may apply to withdraw from courses for medical or mental health reasons. Failure to officially withdraw may result in the recording of failing grades. Students seeking to withdraw due to medical or mental health reasons must withdraw from all registered courses.
There are rare occasions when it is appropriate for students to receive a medical withdrawal for one or two courses (ex. a physical injury that prevents the individual from participating in a course that requires physical activity). Such exceptions will be considered on an individual basis.
In order for a Medical/Mental Health Withdrawal Request to be considered for a given semester, all required documents must be submitted prior to the start of final examinations week. View the paperwork required here:
All approved requests will result in the assignment of “W” grades for each course on the student’s academic transcript. Please note that “W” grades will not be assigned if the request process is not completed prior to the start of final examinations week.
Students remain fully responsible for College fees, outstanding fines and repayment of financial aid for which they are no longer eligible as mandated by the Federal Government. (See Withdrawal Policy for Students Receiving Financial Aid.) A Tuition Appeal Form will need to be submitted to be eligible for a tuition credit.
Students who withdraw due to medical/mental health reasons will be required to satisfy conditions of medical clearance prior to re-entry.
The complete policy is in the Student Handbook, or can be obtained at

Military Drop Policy

Students can be ordered to federal active duty under the laws in Title 10 U.S.C., in which “Active Duty” means full-time duty in active military service. Title 10 allows the President of the United States to federalize a state’s militia (National Guard) by ordering them to active duty for missions of national defense, national civil unrest or natural disaster. In addition, members of the National Guard can also be activated by the Governor of Pennsylvania under the provisions of Title 32 U.S.C. for state active duty (SAD) orders to assist in state natural disasters, threats to the state’s security, or civil unrest.

Whenever a LCCC student (or the student’s spouse) serving in the military is called or ordered to active duty, the college will grant the student a military drop from their education without penalty. This policy does NOT pertain to initial active duty training/basic training or scheduled annual trainings.

Incomplete for Military Obligation

·         Students can request a temporary grade of “I” (incomplete) dependent how much coursework has been completed.

·         Students need to contact professors (as soon as possible) to make arrangements to make up missed classes and complete assignments.

·         When the student returns and completes the work within the agreed upon extension deadline, the grade will be replaced as determined by the professor.

Military Drop

Upon presentation to the college deployment or extended training orders, students (or their spouses) who are on military obligation and must drop from a course or from courses shall receive a 100% refund of tuition and fees based on the form of payment method used by the student (cash, scholarship, tuition assistance, and the like).

Without deployment orders, the student must follow standard College drop or withdrawal procedures.

Process to Complete a Military Drop

  • You will need to request a drop for military reasons. Students can send an email to with their formal request to drop and include a copy of their military orders.

  • If you use educational Benefits, please contact the School Certifying Official with your intent to drop.

  • Contact the Office of Financial Aid at 610-799-1700 for questions on how your deployment will impact your aid and/or loan repayment.

·         Note: The Office of Financial Aid and the Bursar's office will automatically be notified when the drop is processed.

Financial Considerations

Students who are on military obligation and who are receiving financial aid should be aware that dropping a course or courses could impact their financial aid status. They are therefore strongly encouraged to consult with the Financial Aid office as well as the School Certifying Official, if utilizing veteran’s benefits.

  1. Students receive a full tuition and fees refund for those courses that will not be completed due to military obligation. Tuition will be recalculated to include only continued courses.

  2. Students will be advised by the Financial Aid Office of actions required to defer loan(s) repayments based on active military duty obligations.

  3. Students who are on military obligation and receiving veteran benefits should be aware of the following: 

    1. The School Certifying Official (SCO) will notify the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) of the student’s military drop. The reason will be documented as “mitigating circumstances” for students providing documentation of active duty status. Failure to provide notice or documentation may result in the need for you to pay the VA for the cost of any housing or books and supplies already received. It may also result in LCCC repaying the VA for tuition and fees paid on your behalf.

    2. Per Department of Defense policy, any FTA funds associated with a dropped course, must be returned to the Department of Defense.